Why is Continuous Integration important to achieve Continuous Testing?
Continuous Testing The DevOps and Agile based culture of software development has led to faster builds, quick validation and delivery, instant feedback loops, cost savings, and holding onto the competitive edge. This culture has brought in components like Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) to address the industry need for developing and delivering better quality software at a faster rate. In fact, CI/CD is fast becoming the industry standard for software development as opposed to the traditional waterfall model. The digitaltransformation initiatives embraced by businesses to reach out to their target customers effectively have brought the quality of a product to the centre stage. Earlier, it was majorly about the quantity of a product to be gobbled up by voracious customers who wanted an online experience. This mentality has undergone a change as of today. As customers have developed an appetite for quality software that works seamlessly without any...