How can Continuous Testing impact the performance of APIs?

Continuous Testing  

If a software is what drives our interconnected world, then API, or the Application Programming Interface, is the glue that makes it happen. It helps the software to connect across websites, devices, databases, systems, networks, and frameworks - not to speak of the other APIs. APIs help to keep things orderly, segmented, and integrated into the fast changing digital world. For companies that are increasingly embracing Agile and DevOps models of development, testing and delivery of products/services, APIs play an important role. To put it succinctly an API is a set of tools, standards, protocols, and codes that enable the functioning of a software to its optimal level. Such is the criticality of APIs in the seamless functioning of a software system that continuous testing of the same should be pursued as a part of Agile or DevOps.

The complexity and daunting nature of testing an API have meant it is not always executed rigorously. This is partly due to the demands of business on releasing applications quickly to meet the competition and address the changing market dynamics. Thus, even though automated testing has made much headway in the Agile cycle, the testing of APIs has left much to be desired. This calls for implementing continuous testing as part of the DevOps initiative. Let us find out why continuous testing in DevOps is important to ensure the successful testing of APIs.

Continuous testing services & DevOps

DevOps came into being as Agile was found to be lacking in meeting some of the business objectives. With changing customer preferences and the advent of new technologies, the success of businesses hinges on the customer experience. Since providing a rich customer experience is not exactly a one way street and requires the setting up of a total quality culture in the organization, Agile has been found wanting in meeting the objectives.

Creating a total quality culture in the organization needs the participation of all the stakeholders and departments. And since operations play an important role in offering the last mile connectivity or support to the customer, it is needed to be integrated in the whole exercise. Hence, we have DevOps (Development + Operations) as the next logical step of Agile as far as development, testing, delivery and customer query resolution are concerned.

The DevOps methodology is underpinned by Continuous Testing and Delivery. In other words, implementing a shift left testing strategy throughout the SDLC and beyond. Continuous testing solutions help in keeping the software updated at all times. They also help in ensuring the quality of APIs at all levels given the multitude of devices, database, networks, systems, and frameworks, which undergoes upgradation from time to time.

Why do APIs need continuous testing services?

The IT environment is going through rapid changes in terms of the use of technology, methodology, and processes. The changes are evident in the form of new devices, operating systems, architecture, databases, applications and others being adopted by the customers. Since the APIs need to incorporate these changes, they should be tested continuously and with considerable rigour. In the absence of such testing, the software containing the APIs will not function seamlessly leading to a bad user experience.

Benefits of testing API on a continuous basis

Quality of testing: If the APIs are tested post the development phase, the focus would be more towards ensuring the performance of the APIs rather than identifying the scenarios where they can fail. This approach often results in developing favourable test cases, which in the long run do not test the APIs for inherent glitches in the truest sense. On the other hand, if the APIs are tested continuously at every level, their integration with other components of the software will be tested and validated. This will result in raising the bar as far as the quality of software and customer experience are concerned.

Test coverage area: The very fact that API testing is a daunting exercise due to the presence of multiple interfaces often makes test experts not to execute it in a comprehensive manner. This approach leaves a lot of glitches to remain unidentified thereby impacting the quality of software. However, by embracing the continuous testing in DevOps model through test automation, the test coverage area of the APIs can be increased comprehensively. This ensures the software works well with the devices, server, website(s), other services, operating system, framework, or network. Since a software does not function on a standalone basis, increasing the API t0065st coverage area will go a long way in enhancing its quality. Additionally, it will not burden the customer department with sundry quality issues.

Reusability of tests: Using an automated shift left testing in the early stages of development can be reused later in multiple environments especially when new end points are added. The reusability of API testing allows a greater collaboration among various stakeholders in the SDLC. This leads to improving the quality of software comprehensively.

Enhancing the customer experience: A software built and deployed on the ground needs interfacing with various components, systems, databases, and networks. If the interfacing process works well the software functions in accordance with its stated objectives. This invariably leads to a better customer experience and achieving ROI.

The quality testing of APIs is of utmost importance to ensure the functionality, performance, navigability and security of a software. However, the testing needs to be carried out on a continuous basis to account for the changes in the configuration of devices, operating systems, and networks etc. In the ultimate analysis, the quality of APIs will determine the quality of software and impact the user experience and ROI in a positive way.

This Article is originally published at, What makes Continuous Testing so critical for API Testing?


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